Oasis offers various ministries to meet the needs of the entire family.
Our ministries are active and strive to develop meaningful relationships
as we journey through life together.


Children’s Ministry Leader
Verna Carty

Oasis Church of God of Prophecy Children’s Ministry is the place for children to be!! We focus on the formation of children in the Christian faith by involving them in exciting and fun activities for an experience with Jesus Christ. It’s a place where children learn Bible stories and have prayer, worship, game, and snack times!! Our focus is also individually. We see a need to focus on specific academic challenges where children are struggling in school - tutoring services will be offered, and disadvantaged children will be assisted with essentials. As Children’s Ministry Director, I desire to impact today’s children’s lives, if not all, at least one, the way my life was touched when I was a child in Children’s Church at #20 Gamle Gade - St Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands.

Christian Education Leader
Ruth Frett

Christian Education is a place for everyone. Sunday school is a place to learn more about the Word of God and engage in edifying Biblical discussions.
We look forward to learning together.

Teach the Word of God
Win Souls for Christ
Promote Church Growth
Provide Outreach and Evangelism to our Community

All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.
(Isaiah 53:14, NIV)

Classes are held every Sunday Morning from 9:00 - 9:50 a.m. for all ages!
We would be delighted to have you join our in-depth study of God’s Word!!

Dance Ministry Leader
Claudia Chinnery-Sargeant

The Dance Ministry was created for young girls to have an outlet for positive reinforcement. We have activities such as sleepovers, beach days, and girls' nights out, to name a few. To make these activities successful, along with purchasing dance outfits for everyone, we have fundraisers during the year.

Media Ministry Leaders
Minister Hubert Johnson & Stefan Liburd

The Media Ministry of Oasis is integral to our efforts to present the gospel effectively. This ministry integrates all audio and visual components to enhance the worship experience and supports all facets of the Church. Oasis will seek to leverage the new technologies as technology advances to increase the ministry's effectiveness and reach.

Men’s Ministry Leader
Men’s Team

The Men’s Ministry is also a place where men can gather, share, and learn about their God-ordained purposes as Priest and Provider in their homes.

Music Ministry Leader
Samuel Rymer

In today’s Christian culture, music ministry means many things and can look very different, depending on location.

At Oasis, we capture a blend of worship styles to utilize the multiplicity of resources of voice, instruments, and dance that spans across many genres, with the emphasis geared towards the youth. The ministry relies on gifting talents, skill sets, and passion, but more importantly, each minstrel's anointing. What is constant, however, is the music ministry's purpose to lead the congregation toward worship and invoke an atmosphere of praise unto God.

Outreach & Evangelism Ministry Leader
Minister Georgegeania Lewis-Clarke

The Outreach & Evangelism Ministry is all about reaching out to our community with the Word of God while meeting the social needs that exist in the community. We do so by assisting in spreading God’s word and sharing His love with communities. Some of the activities that were accomplished were food distribution to the less fortunate and shut-ins, purchasing and distributing gift baskets to seniors, and the pre-Thanksgiving luncheon for seniors, widows, and shut-ins. During the Pandemic, the committee also visited communities and distributed hygiene kits to each household. We are reminded of Matthew 25:40 (KJV), which states, “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

For this year, the Outreach & Evangelism Ministry’s emphasis is on Evangelism as we obey God’s command in Matthew 28:19 (KJV) to “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”. In addition, the committee intends to collaborate with other departments of the church for community-based activities. We pray for God’s continued blessing on our Outreach & Evangelism Ministry.

Prayer Ministry Coordinator
Bishop Kenneth M. Benjamin, Sr.

In Luke 18:1 (KJV), Jesus says,” …that men ought always to pray, and not to faint…” Prayer is at the heart of ministry at Oasis. Prayer is a core value that guides and undergirds everything we do at Oasis.  The Prayer Coordinator organizes, schedules, and provides general leadership for the prayer ministry of Oasis. The coordinator and the pastor give direction to the church’s prayer focus.

Small Group Ministry Leaders
Pastoral Team:
Bishop Carswell Leonard, Minister Hubert Johnson, & Minister Georgegeania Lewis-Clarke

The Small Group Ministry is vital to Oasis’ discipleship strategic plan. The ministry is structured around the formation of small groups (10–12) of believers who are committed to make the spiritual journey together. The goal of the ministry is to provide spiritual nurture and care to each group member. Each member plays a vital role in the group’s success. The Small Group Leader facilitates the events of the group and ensures the full assimilation of new members into the group.

Women’s Ministry Leader
Grace Fahie-Lindo

Women’s Ministry at Oasis seeks to strengthen the women and ladies of the Church not only spiritually but emotionally. It is a place where women can gather and share their experiences as they grow in Christ together. Reaching out and bringing others along is extremely important as we win others to Christ.

The Ministry is enhanced through online engagement and other planned activities, including our monthly Ladies' breakfast. These various activities help to build a sisterhood in Christ. The world will know we are His by the love we have toward another. (By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love and unselfish concern for one another” ~ John 13:35, AMP). Spending time together is a must.

Young Adult Ministry Leaders
Bishop Dr. Carswell & First Lady Alfreda Leonard

The Young Adult Ministry has a target audience of persons in their late teens, twenties, and thirties (even early forties)
who bring diverse cultural, educational, vocational,
social, political, and spiritual backgrounds.
They are college students, workers, and professionals.
They may be single, married, divorced, or widowed. 

The following are essential to Young Adult Ministries
and help to build an effective ministry: 

  1. Young adults internalize their beliefs and values within a supportive community and live their vocation in the world.

  2. Young adults seek opportunities for relationships with their peers and experiences that are intergenerational and multicultural.

  3. Young adults understand both the message of faith and the traditions of the Church when these are communicated through words, symbols, and activities that relate to life experiences.

  4. Young adults respond positively when the Church invites their participation and engages them in planning activities for the community's spiritual life.

  5. The Church meets young adults where they are present: the workplace, the home, the campus, and the civic community.

  6. Effective ministry invites young adults into the life of the Church and collaborates with them to identify specific initiatives for the young adult community.

  7. Effective ministry assists young adults to become spiritual people, thereby developing a holistic and healthy understanding of life and deepening one's relationship with God.

Youth Ministry Leader
Carl “Hero” Gumbs

At Oasis, we have developed a vibrant youth ministry focusing on the Christian faith. "You are Loved" is the catchphrase in the Youth Ministry, better known as “The Tribe”. The goal is to introduce young people to Jesus and have a good time. “The Tribe” welcomes all ages to its youth-focused Friday evenings. The services are a no-judgment zone that strives to educate all members through fun quizzes, Bible-based games, and lessons spanning all Biblical study levels. We invite all youths to participate in the various programs and events and to come and be a part of this pilgrim journey where the only destination that matters is becoming Fired-up Youths All Heaven-bound.