Facility Rental Application Name of Organization/Individual * Type of Function * Date of Function * MM DD YYYY Time of Function * Hour Minute Second AM PM Usage Time Needed for Function (# of hours & minutes) * [4 hours MAXIMUM] Paid Function? * Yes No Special Person(s)/Group(s) to be brought in: * (Type N/A, if there is no Special Person(s)/Group(s) to be brought in.) Contact Person for Function * First Name Last Name Contact Person's Telephone Number * (###) ### #### Contact Person's Email * THINGS PROHIBITED/NOT ALLOWED 1) No Eating/Drinking inside the sanctuary 2) No Alcohol allowed on the premises 3) Concession may only be done by lesser 4) No Obscene Languages 5) No nails or any type of tape are to be put in or on any part of the interior of the sanctuary 6) Anything that is against the Church’s beliefs OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1) All lessees are responsible for own equipment and supplies for the function. 2) Forms can be picked up at C5 Hoffman’s Church office Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Telephone No. (340) 779-2111. 3) The tabernacle must be returned to its original clean state after the function. 4) A Deposit will be required, and all or portion will be returned after inspection (to cover the cost of any damages). *Submission of this Application will be used as the Lessee's e-Signature. Date of Application * MM DD YYYY ***APPLICATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE USAGE.*** Thank you! Your application has been submitted and received at the Oasis COGOP email address.