Tithes, Offering, & Donations

One tenth of all the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, belongs to the Lord.

Leviticus 27:30, GNT

Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping,
poured into your hands—all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you.”

Luke 6:38, GNT

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Oasis Church of God of Prophecy
PO Box 7967
St. Thomas, VI 00801


Drop-off @ Church office between Mon-Thu (9 am-2 pm)
Via the credit card machine (in the back of the Church)

Give through


You can give through Givelify by clicking on the link below:

Givelify website (Oasis COGOP page)

Click below on either app store logo (left or right)
to download the “Givelify” app on your phone.

Choose your amount, purpose, and other options.
Click ‘give’ to send your tithe & offering through Givelify.

Whether through Givelify’s apps or its website,
search for “Church of God of Prophecy Virgin Islands”.

APPLE App store

(Click the image)

Givelify logo

(Look for this logo
in either store.)

GOOGLE Play store

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